The beautiful Lakshmi sits holding two lotus flowers, a symbol of beauty, prosperity and fertility, with her other two hands in the abhaya mudra showing her devotees that have nothing to fear from the goddess of wealth. She is beautiful! Her lips have a slight sublime smile. Her breasts are covered which give her a motherly, modest appearance. Her lavish headdress, jewelry and leggings are all finely carved fitting for the goddess of wealth. Her hands are soft and comforting each with a diamond shaped carving on the palm. She is seated on a double lotus base.
- Draped in saree, bedecked with gold ornaments, seated on a lotus, pot in hand, the image of Lakshmi adorns most Hindu homes and business establishments.
- Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfillment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant her blessings.
- Shri is the sacred name of Lakshmi. Shri is written atop most documents and spoken before addressing a god, teacher holy man or any revered individual. The word evokes grace, affluence abundance, auspiciousness and authority. When the word is spoken or written an aura of holiness is established. Whatever follows is imbued with divine blessing. Just as the word “Om” is associated with the mystical side of life, Shri is associated with the material side of existence.
- Lakshmi represents the beautiful and bountiful aspect of nature. As Bhoodevi, the earth-goddess, she nurtures life; as Shreedevi, the goddess of fortune, she bestows power, pleasure and prosperity on those who deserve her grace. To realize her, one must respect the laws of life and appreciate the wonders of existence.
- पूजन के लिए सबसे पहले कलश की स्थापना की जाती है। राहुकाल को छोड़कर आप किसी भी शुभ मुहूर्त में कलश स्थापना कर सकते हैं। कलश स्थापित करने के बाद कलश पर एक कच्चा नारियल लाल कपड़े में लपेट कर उस पर रख दें। माता महालक्ष्मी जी की प्रतिमा स्थापना दक्षिण-पूर्व कोने में कीजिए और प्रतिमा को लाल कपड़े से लपेट दीजिये। इसके लिए एक लकड़ी की चौकी लेकर उस पर श्वेत रेशमी कपड़ा बिछाएं और उस पर महालक्ष्मी जीकी प्रतिमा रख दें।
- इन आठ नामों का जाप: महालक्ष्मी की पूजा में हर दिन मां लक्ष्मी के लिए इन आठ नामों का जाप जरूर करें। ऊं आद्यलक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं विद्यालक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं सौभाग्यलक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं अमृतलक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं कामलक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं सत्यलक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं भोगलक्ष्म्यै नम:, ऊं योगलक्ष्म्यै नम:। शास्त्रों के मुताबिक इस व्रत का संबंध महाभारत काल से हैं। माता कुंती तथा गांधारी द्वारा एक सरल व्रत के बारे में पूछने पर व्यास जी ने इस व्रत का व्याख्यान किया था।
- Size 12 cm
Condition New
Style Religious
Colour Golden & Red
Type Of product murti
Ruling God laxmi ji
Beej Mantra
Shape Goddess Laxmi
Material, Origin Brass
Weight 200 gm
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