- Dhan Lakshmi or Vaibhav Lakshmi – Wealth of money and riches : “Dhan” and “Vaibhav” mean money, riches, fortune and income. It is the usual way we perceive and understand wealth. This wealth is of great importance to one who wishes to live an enriched and happy life.
- Gaj Lakshmi – Wealth of Elephants or vehicles : “Gaj” means elephant and it symbolizes the vehicles we use to transport ourselves. It also means mobility in life and ease of travel.
- Adi Lakshmi – Wealth of endless prosperity. Goddess of no beginnings or end : “Adi” means eternal existence. Adi Lakshmi signifies the never-ending nature of the Goddess. She has no start and no end. She is continuous. Wealth should therefore, flow continuously also. It too has always been there and always will be there.
- Vijay Lakshmi – Wealth of victory, perseverance, courage, and confidence : “Vijay” means victory. This Goddess symbolizes the wealth of courage, confidence, fearlessness and victory. This wealth strengthens our character and keeps us moving along successfully on our life path.
- Dhairya Lakshmi – Wealth of patience, strategy, planning, objectivity : “Dhairya” means patience. This wealth gives us the spiritual strength to face good and bad times with equal ease. It signifies the importance of planning and strategy in all our actions so we may move with caution and reach our target each time.
- Dhanya Lakshmi – Wealth of grain, food, nourishment, and health: “Dhanya” means grain. Food is our most basic and most important wealth. We need food to sustain life. Being wealthy means we have abundance of food that keeps us nourished and healthy.
- Vidya Lakshmi – Wealth of education, knowledge, skills: “Vidya” means knowledge. Becoming a knowledgeable person means that we should have skills of various kinds. We have general information about our local, national, and international issues. We can partake in sharing information.
- Santan Lakshmi – Wealth of children, legacy, family, friends, well wishers: “Santan” means children. Goddess Lakshmi symbolizes the social nature of man. We need each other. Children are our wealth. They are our future. The family is the basic unit of people who bring up their children. Life moves forward through its children.
- This Powerful Ashta Lakshmi Shree Yantra Chowki adorned with Maa Kamakshee idol with Meru Shree Yantra and Asht Lakshmi Images in domed Crystal glass makes a magnificent altar in itself. Designed with elegance, this Chowki carries divine energies of Ashta Lakshmi Shree Yantra Chowki. Maa Kamakshee is one of the forms of Goddess Tripura Sundari, the governing deity of powerful Shree Yantra. This Ashta Lakshmi Shree Yantra Chowki can be placed in North or East or North-East corner of your home or office or place of business for blessings of prosperity, wealth, spiritual progress, success and fame.
Before beginning the strotra path the place should be purified with ganga jal. Establish the idol of goddess Lakshmi, along with Sri Yantra in the north-east corner of the home. Worship the sri yantra also while offering your prayers to the goddess. Chant lakshmi mantra while worshipping the goddess. The puja ceremony is concluded by reciting the lakshmi katha. Bhog of kheer is offered to the goddess in the end of the puja and then distributed among other members of the family.Aadi Lakshmi Sumanasa Vandhitha Madhavi Chandra Sahodhari Hema-maye Munigana Manditha Moksha Pradha-yini Manjula Bhashini Veda-nuthe Pankaja Vasini Dheva Supoojitha Sadguna Varshani Santhi-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Aadhi-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam.Dhanya Lakshmi Ayio Kali Kalmasha Nasini Kamini Vaidhika Roopini Veda-maye Ksheera Samudh-bhava Mangala Roopini Mantra Nivashini Mantra-nuthe Mangala Dhayini Ambuja Vasini Dheva Ganarchitha Pada-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Dhaanya-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam.Dhairya Lakshmi Jaya Vara Varnani Vaishnavi Bhargavi Mantra Swaroopini Mantra-maye Suragana Poojitha Seegra Phala Pradha Jnana Vikasini Sasthra-nuthe Bhava Bhaya Harini Papa Vimochini Sadu Janarchitha Pada-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Dhairya-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam.Gaj Lakshami Jaya Jaya Durgathi Nasini Kamini Sarva Phala Pradha Sasthra-maye Ratha Gaja Thuraga Padathi Sama-vrutha Parijana Manditha Loka-nuthe Harihara Brahma Supoojitha Sevitha Thapa Nivaarini Pada-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Gaja-lakshmi Sada Palaya maam.Santan Lakshmi Ayi Kagha Vahini Mohini Chakrini Raga Vivardhni Jnana-maye Guna-gana Varidhi Loka Hithaishini Swara Saptha Bhooshitha Gana-nuthe Sakala Sura-sura Dheva Muneeswara Manhava Vandhitha Pada-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Santhaana-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam.Vijaya Lakshmi Jaya Kamalasini Sadgathi Dayini Jnana Vikasini Ganamaye Anudina Marchitha Kumkuma Dhoosara Bhooshitha Vaasitha Vadhya-nuthe Kanakadhara Sthuthi Vaibhava Vanditha Shankara Desika Manya-pathe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Vijaya-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam.Vidya Lakshmi Pranaatha Sureshwari Bharathi Bhargavi Shoka Vinasini Rathna-maye Mani-maya Bhooshitha Karma Vibhooshana Santhi Samavrutha Hasya-mukhe Nava Nidhi Dhayini Kalimala Harini Kamitha Phala-pradha Hastha-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Vidhya-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam.Dhan Lakshmi Dhimi-dhimi dhin-dhimi dhin-dhimi dhin-dhimi Dundubhi Nada Supoorna-maye Ghuma-ghuma ghuma-ghuma ghuma-ghuma Sankha Ninadha Suvadhya-nuthe Veda Puranethihasa Supoojitha Vaidhika Marga Pradarsa-yuthe Jaya Jaya hey Madhusoodhana Kamini Dhana-lakshmi Sada Palaya Maam. - KEY FEATURES :-
- Bead Size 14x14x12Cm
Condition New
Style Spiritual
Colour Gold
Type Of product Brass
Ruling God / Planet Laxmi Ji
Beej Mantra Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahaalakshmyei Shreem Hreem Shreem Nama
Gender, Shape
Material, Origin brass
Weight 1.4kg

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